A quality resume has always been the key to your future, but in today’s competitive job market the way you represent yourself on paper is of utmost importance. No matter whom you have as connections, someone on the hiring team will only know you (and judge your worth) by the way you describe your skills. Most resumes read like a laundry list of daily tasks and industry buzz words, but draw little connection to personal results and the role you’ve played within these specialized skillsets. 

NextGen Resumes focus on powerful, organized, clear and concise personal brochures that immediately garner attention. The first thing the reader sees is a bulleted list of specific, unique strengths you personally bring to the job and industry. This is followed by a brief summary of your experience, including only what you did (the company, title and term of service), the scope of what you did and how well you did it. Without the clutter or mundane tasks and responsibilities that are typically part of any given title, the reader is able to focus on precisely why you are the cream of the crop and most often results in you getting the interview.  


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Allow us to introduce, Monica Jacqueline, the driving force behind NextGen Resumes.

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